Climate data provided by 5 weather stations installed across the Barrow Peninsula. Four stations were installed in 2013 with a low sampling rate for the first Winter with an additional station added in 2014. Meteorological parameters include air temperature, humidity, soil temperature, soil VWC, average solar radiation PAR, total PAR, rain, leaf wetness, wind speed and direction.
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Research Sites
Research Sites web services include OGC WMS, WFS and Geoservices REST formats. The BAID archive has been transferred to AON

Geospatial data sets are available from the Earth Observing Lab managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research at

Interoperability research conducted with NSIDC to demonstrate capacity for how archived data at NSIDC (and other archives) could be made more readily available to BAID and other cyberinstructure tools like BAID.

Allison Gaylord and Craig Tweedie. 2019. Barrow Area Information Database (BAID) Research Sites and Ancillary Geospatial Layers, North Slope, Alaska, 2000-2019. Arctic Data Center. doi:10.18739/A2RF5KG0P.

Julia Collins. 2017. Barrow Area Information Database (BAID) data services prototype. Arctic Data Center. doi:10.18739/A2JF8N.

Craig E. Tweedie and Julia Collins. 2014. Collaborative Research – Development and innovation of the Barrow Area Information Database (BAID): A cyberinfrastructure that supports arctic science, outreach and education. Arctic Data Center. urn:uuid:3b71aff0-3945-4091-93b0-73798a148206.

Allison Graves Gaylord and Craig E. Tweedie. BAID: NARL BAR flights Index by Quad (1948-49). Arctic Data Center. doi:10.5065/D6222RWR.

Allison Graves Gaylord. Barrow Area Information Database (BAID) Geospatial Data Sets, Barrow, AK, USA. Arctic Data Center. doi:10.5065/D6VT1Q75.

Craig E. Tweedie and Allison Graves Gaylord. Barrow Area Remote Sensing – BAID Power Poles. Arctic Data Center. doi:10.5065/D6BV7DQP.

Allison Graves Gaylord and Craig E. Tweedie. BAID: RADARSAT and ERS satellite SAR Images. Arctic Data Center. doi:10.18739/A2JW7R.

Craig E. Tweedie. Barrow Area Remote Sensing – BAID Be Research Sites. Arctic Data Center. doi:10.5065/D61G0JD2.

 Barrow Meteorological Data
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